
ARN - Argentum Res Noave 5e Late Pledge

Created by Bee Gamen and Freecom

Did you miss Argentum Res Novae crowdfunding campaign? Don't worry! Late pledges are now open to get your copy! Argentum Res Novae is a 5e setting inspired by the Victorian era and the Industrial Revolution

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Manuals shipped!
about 2 months ago – Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 03:01:49 AM

Hi guys!!!

Sorry we haven't been in touch, but after much tribulation because of shipping.... We have started shipping the ARN manuals!
The first shipment has left for America, and at the end of the month we will take care of the rest of Europe.
We thank you again for your patience. We hope you enjoy playing in the world of Argentum Res Novae!

3 months ago – Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 10:43:23 AM

Hello everyone!
Finally the English copies of the manual have arrived! 
We are thrilled with the end result and although it took a while due to some logistical problems (Christmas spared no one, printers included!), by next week we will be ready to efect the first international shipments.

Thanks again for your patience :)

Once the last copies are shipped we will do a final farewell update.

Thank you all!

[UPDATES] English manuals have gone to press!
5 months ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 09:11:09 AM

ITA (Eng sotto)

Ehilà, ragazzi!

Non ci siamo fatti sentire per un po', però purtroppo siamo stati colpiti dall'enorme ondata di maltempo, che ha fatto parecchi danni alla nostra zona... Ci siamo rialzati con forza e non vogliamo demordere. Infatti non ci siamo fermati.

Abbiamo finalmente mandato in stampa i volumi in inglese! Entro la fine del mese di novembre riusciremo a spedirli ai ragazzi fuori dall'Italia. L'argento vive!

Argentum vita est.


Hey there, guys!

We haven't been in touch for a while, however, unfortunately we were hit by the huge wave of bad weather, which did quite a bit of damage to our area.... We have bounced back strongly and don't want to give up. In fact, we have not stopped.

We have finally sent the English volumes to print! By the end of November we will be able to send them out to kids outside Italy. Silver lives!

Argentum vita est.

[NEWS] About shipping outside Italy
7 months ago – Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 02:58:41 AM

ITA (Eng below)

Ciao ragazzi!

Le spedizioni per i manuali in italiano sono partite con le Poste e stanno lentamente arrivando a tutti i sostenitori! Vi ringraziamo per la pazienza e buon gioco a tutte quelle persone a cui sono arrivati i manuali! Se avete commenti (avete visto la promo?), non esitate a condividere con noi sui nostri canali social ⚙

Per quanto riguarda invece i nostri sostenitori fuori dall'Italia, vi chiediamo di avere un altro po' di pazienza: purtroppo la stampa del manuale ha ricevuto più rallentamenti del dovuto e ci stiamo lavorando. Appena saremo pronti a spedire, riceverete un aggiornamento direttamente qui!

Argentum vita est.


Hi guys!!!

The shipments for the Italian manuals have started with the Post Office and are slowly arriving to all the supporters! We thank you for your patience and have a great game to all those people to whom the manuals have arrived! If you have any comments (have you seen the promo?), please feel free to share with us on our social channels ⚙

As for our supporters outside of Italy, however, we ask for a little more patience: unfortunately, the printing of the manual has received more delays than it should have and we are working on it. As soon as we are ready to ship, you will receive an update directly here!

Argentum vita est.

Spedizioni in partenza! // Shipping out!
10 months ago – Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 04:27:03 AM

ITA (Eng below)

Ciao ragazzi!

Come state?

Finalmente possiamo comunicarvelo: le spedizioni per l'Italia sono in partenza! Stiamo preparando i pacchi per i nostri backer italiani e nelle prossime settimane li spediremo.

Per quanto riguarda i nostri backer stranieri, la spedizioni fuori dall'Italia impiegherà ancora qualche mese a causa di alcuni ritardi nella stampa dei manuali e degli schermi del Master.

Vi chiediamo ancora un po' di pazienza e vi ringraziamo ancora per l'infinito supporto che ci avete dato. Presto il manuale sarà nelle vostre mani!

Argentum vita est.


Hi guys!

How are you doing?

Finally we can tell you: the shipments to Italy are on their way! We are preparing the packages for our Italian backers and will be shipping them in the next few weeks.

As for our foreign backers, shipping out of Italy will take a few more months due to some delays in printing the manuals and Master's displays.

We ask for some more patience and thank you again for your endless support. Soon the manual will be in your hands!

Argentum vita est